Saturday, December 22, 2012


For the past several months I have been researching what seeds I should get to plant for this Spring. I received my "Johnny's Selected Seeds 2013 Master Catalog" in the mail today. I can say that I have been a little overwhelmed with all the choices. There are a lot of things I need to consider when making my choices, like temperature during the summer months, the quality of soil we are using, how well I can keep the plant diseases and bugs off my veggies, herbs and some flowers. 

It's quite a decision. Because it is only December I still have several months to decide but I do need to come up with a plan. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband that wants to plant along with me, and has already had a great spring/summer last year with all kinds of peppers. He built me two huge planter boxes for the back yard, they are all covered in snow right now...but I daydream off all the yummy goodness that will grow out from them in just a few months. 

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